Our grandchildren bring us endless joy! How do we best support our adult children in raising their children, meaningfully impact our granchildren’’s lives and fully delight in our special role? We are not our bubbies! Time have changed, young parents today face different and more complex challenges than we encountered. Our roles as grandmothers may look very different than those of previous generations.
Grandmothers with grandchildren ages 10 and under (or with babies on the way!) are invited to join us for learning and conversation about Grandmothering in today’s world.
Each of the six session will provide an expert in the field and an opportunity to learn from one another.
Jan 17, 2019: Waht do you want your legacy to be?
Jan 31, 2019: Boundaries with our Adult Children
Feb 14, 2019: Social Media and Screen Time
Feb 28, 2019: Disciplining your Grandchildren - Yes, No, or Maybe?
Mar 14, 2019: Medical Emergencies and Caring for the Sick or Special Needs Child
Mar 28, 2019: Relationships with your Grandchildren’s other Grandparents - Navigating Religious, Cultural, and Social Diversity
Thursdays beginning January 17 through March 28 from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Cost: $75
Faculty: Gayle Feldman, Linda Levin, Nan Pollinger, and Doran Arik Miller