The last several years have seen a rise in Anti-Semitism in the United States, Europe and worldwide. This trend was exacerbated by the events in the Middle East from May 10 to May 21. The conflict between Hamas and Israel (and within Israel), and with Palestinians in the Territories had ramifications there and in the United States, much of it based upon misinformation and lack of historical perspective. This class will address the impact on antisemitism, and the misinformation that has infused it. We will review the history and the events and that have impacted this critical area of the world since Israel’s re-creation 74 years ago ~ the moments of hope, lost opportunities…and the possibilities of resolution. All this, as the first new Israeli Government in 12 years was installed.
Fridays beginning November 5 through December 10 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
Cost: $92
Faculty: Jay Roth